Monday, August 29, 2011

The individual who seeks God first attains the balanced life! In the book of Romans, the author directs all believers to be devoted to God. “Everything he is and has is to be dedicated to the worship and service of God. Anything less than total devotion is short of God's glory: it is sin.”[ The body of Christ is to present their body to God as a living sacrifice. This offering is to be sacrificial. Likened to the picture we have in the Old Testament where believers took animals and offered them to God as sacrifices. We are to make the same kind of sacrificial offering to God, but our offering is not to be the sacrifice of an animal's flesh and blood. The offering and sacrifice of the believer is to be his body: he is to offer his body as a living sacrifice.1

               1. Wordsearch 8, Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible Commentary, Romans.